Project Title: Developing a Combined System Model and Simulation Process for Integrated Planning and Operations across Transmission and Distribution Systems

Project Summary: In this project, the team will investigate the ability of performing steady state analysis of distributed energy resources (DER) at both the distribution and transmission levels with a combined model.  Currently this analysis is often performed by Duke Energy using Siemens PTI’s PSS®E on the transmission level and using Eaton CYMDIST on the distribution level.  The team will evaluate the ability to perform a unified DER analysis involving various types of T&D interconnections and potential interactions using a single simulation software tool(s) for analysis and planning of multiple network types.  Given the increasing levels of DER devices seen at the distribution level, it is no longer feasible to perform only a distribution feeder-level analysis.  Given the new ride-through and other requirements in the updated IEEE 1547 standard set, it will be necessary to evaluate the impact of transmission-level events to DER interconnections at the distribution-level to evaluate potential loss of DER generation.  Also, the increased level of distribution DERs back-feeding into transmission is now impacting transmission-level operation and protection.  Analyzing higher-penetration levels of DERs necessitates the need for an integrated analysis using a combined T & D model.

The team proposes a two-phase project.  In the first phase (2019 and early 2020), the team will research and become familiar with the capabilities of a toolset(s) and perform a series of benchmark studies to compare the results with, PSS®E and CYMDIST for existing Duke Energy transmission and distribution models.  The benchmark studies will focus on common scenarios related to current DER penetration analysis.  By the end of the first phase, the project team will document the conversion and modeling process for integrated steady state T&D analysis and make recommendations regarding future capability enhancements, benefits associated with analyzing a combined T&D model, and documenting any new business cases identified in the analysis or issues previously unknown from the individual network planning focus.  In the second phase (last half 2020), the project team will focus on the scalability of the tool(s) for future project modeling requirements which may require updated models or computational capability.  The project team will provide a second set of recommendations regarding the suitability of the tool(s) platform for future, more comprehensive studies. Tasks in the second phase will be determined following Phase 1 completion.


University Team Members:
Lead: David Lubkeman – North Carolina State University
Ning Lu – North Carolina State University
Badrul Chowdhury – UNC Charlotte
Johan Enslin – Clemson University

Industry Advisors:
Steven Whisenant – Duke Energy
Kat Sico – Duke Energy
Kevin Chen – Duke Energy
Drew Clarke – Duke Energy
Huimin Li – Duke Energy
Christen Pischke – Siemens
Wayne Dias – Siemens