CAPER has dedicated several meeting sessions to developing a better understanding and better definition of Workforce Development. Industry, university faculty, and students have presented ideas on what makes up an exceptional educational experience.
Accreditation and Other Pressures on Requirements and Curriculum Design
Randy Collins, Clemson University
All the World Needs is Unlimited EE’s in Power
Kevin Bevins, Santee Cooper
Challenges Imposed by University Research Requirements
Badrul Chowdhury, UNC Charlotte
Challenges in Making Course Content Relevant to Industry and Interesting to Entice Students into Graduate Studies
Elham Makram, Clemson University
Clemson University Power Engineering Curricula
Randy Collins, Clemson University
Clemson University College Experience
Klaehn Burkes, Clemson University
Difficulties Involving Industry in the Educational Process
David Lubkeman, NC State University
Packing the Innovation Pipeline
Rob Manning, EPRI
Power Curriculum at NC State
Mesut Baran, NC State University
Power Curriculum at UNC Charlotte
Cara Chacko, UNC Charlotte
Power Engineering Curriculum at NC State: A Student Perspective
Catie McEntee, NC State University
Workforce Development – What the Power Industry Needs From Universities
Steve Whisenant, Duke Energy
Steve Whisenant, Duke Energy
Johan Enslin and Randy Collins, Clemson University
Mesut Baran and David Lubkeman, NC State University
Klaehn Burkes, Savannah River National Laboratory
Badrul Chowdhury, UNC Charlotte University