Project Title: “Improving Power Flow Performance for IVVC Application on NC Distribution Feeders with DERs”
Project Summary:
The proposed project addresses the need to have accurate real-time power flow solutions for effective and optimized operation of North Carolina distribution systems, including in the presence of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The factors affecting convergence and voltage estimate quality in distribution feeders with inconsistent power flow performance will be investigated by leveraging developed data analytics techniques. Limitations of currently-used DER models will be investigated and a simple yet useful DER model for DMS real-time power flow will be developed. The developed models and tools are expected to improve the performance of Integrated Volt Var Control (IVVC) in North Carolina by providing more accurate real-time power flow results. The analysis will be performed using data from North Carolina distribution feeders, and the developed tools will be tested on the North Carolina DMS.
University Team Members:
Lead PI: Dr. Valentina Cecchi – UNC Charlotte
Co-PI Members:
Dr. Badrul Chowdhury – UNC Charlotte
Dr. Mesut Baran – NC State University
Industry Advisors:
Cara Chacko – Duke Energy
Mike Simms – Duke Energy
Steve Whisenant – Duke Energy
Drew Clarke – Duke Energy